Video: Psaki Declares Government Will Make Employers Enforce #vaccinemandates
Who would've thought that 20 years later our own govt would single-handedly (and on purpose IMO) put the very people who caused 9/11 back in power, allow them to take Americans hostage and give them $85 billion worth of our most sophisticated military equipment?
Who would've thought that same govt would be holding the entire USA hostage demanding everyone of us take a ? or face the consequences?
Fraudulent elections have consequences, the two I mentioned are just two of many of the consequences so far from Nov.3rd, 2020.
But those of us who know the truth will always have hope that the truth will come out. That hope helps us continue to fight to make sure it does come out.
The more the fraudulent regime tries to silence us, the LOUDER and BOLDER we become!
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 NLT