With the fiasco Biden's judgement caused last week...what in God's name would allow any moderate member of Congress thinks that they can trust his judgement on a budget that will not destroy America??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"The White House on Monday reiterated its support for Pelosi and her plan to delay a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill until after the broader budget package is completed.
“The president supports the speaker’s proposed path forward,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said. “He also is certainly familiar with the, the leadership of Speaker Pelosi and her ability to get things done.”
Ok. Since the revelatory business earlier regarding the newsfeed and havin' shambled my way around the place fer the last many days in here as a newbie, it occurs to me I could go beyond my usual Rasputin's Liver handle (which explanation for can be found in an earlier reply today under my RL icon/avatar change post) an' cribbed together image to formally say howdy.
Tom Minker here. I'm 61 an' park my bulky backside in the southeastern corner of Washington State inna li'l area called the L-C Valley on the Snake River. I'm on the C side.
Anyway, so here's the gizmo behind the Ol' Infernal Internal Organ aka Rasputin's Liver.