Just for the gits and shiggles, I looked up the latest Covid numbers. It is amazing just how damb deadly this thing is. 2 years into this pandemic almost 3% (206.9 million) of the worlds population of 7.9 billion have been infected. Of that number 2.1% (4.4 million) have died. That is approximately .005% of the worlds popoulation. In comparison the Spanish Flu infected approxmately 500 million (27%) of the worlds 1.8 billion population killing 50 million (3%). The death rate of the infected was approximately 10%. All of that in less than 2 years. I am not an expert epidemiologist and I do not have an Ivy League PHD. But I am able to do basic research and sift through the available data. The CDC, WHO, Fauci,the government are all lying about how deadly this bloody flu bug is. Yes, people are dying with it, but people also die with the seasonal flus.