In the short-term perhaps, but the TX economy would recover in the long run.
The reason why the drug cartels in Mexico target local political candidates more so than provincial or national ones is because they understand what most people don’t:
Lasting change and control begins and is maintained, not at the top, but at the bottom.
If Anonymous X Accounts Are More Credible Than CNN…
Blogpost Highlights:
“No one really needs institutional knowledge to prove themselves credible but you DO need independent knowledge and what I mean by that is knowledge acquired independent of an academic institution or expert opinion and it is amazing what one, with or without a degree or Ph.D., can learn doing their own independent research.”
“…if we are made to be more wiser, insightful, and more educated than the teachers, professors, seminarians, leaders, media figures, influencers, and authoritative experts in whom the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11) would have us place our trust in, it is only due to the enlightenment that we receive from our Creator and Redeemer, for as it is written, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, (Ps. 111:1 and knowledge (Prov. 1:7)”
Yeah well, I don’t think she likes him.
They say that they start out with torturing and killing animals.
Nothing That Man Builds Compares To What God Creates
This is very troubling. If it is okay for the Pentagon to perform mock drills against Texas, then it is okay for Texas, any other state, and any number of given civilian militias to conduct counter- mock drills against the Pentagon.
But no tears shed for the victims of violence committed by transgenders.