Here is a statement of what is wrong with the defund the police movement...of course besides the fact that is a moronic idea!!!!
"In the two months between April 15 and June 28, Bush spent nearly $70,000 of her campaign funds on personal security, the most of any House lawmaker. That’s almost $20,000 above the median household income for residents in her district, which covers St. Louis and adjacent communities. Bush, who often wears a Black Lives Matter or a “Y’All Gone Stop Killing Us!” t-shirt, says she believes defunding the police would prevent the deaths of people like Michael Brown and Breonna Taylor. But it’s unclear who would stop the killing that would then ensue. Of the 130 homicide victims in St. Louis so far this year, half of whose residents are African-American, all but ten victims were African-American (98 men and 22 women). The vast majority of these involved firearms — not one fired by a police officer."
More of the Demoncrats...I am entitled behavior!
"“This guy is a piece of work. He truly believes that he doesn’t have to follow the judge’s orders, doesn’t have to follow rules,” Livingston County Sheriff Michael Murphy told the newspaper. “He’s the reason that politicians and elected officials get the bad rap.”
And here's what we give away in 'foreign aid' each year. So you can see why the American taxpayer will never get ahead of the game.
"The federal government collected a record $3,586,456,000,000 in total taxes through first eleven months of fiscal 2021 (September through August), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement.
The federal government also collected a record $1,829,589,000,000 in individual income taxes in the September-through-August period."
Duct tape!!!! Kennedy is the ultimate!!!!
Well hell...did they resign or did he charge them?!!!!!!!
"A mayor in Ohio told all five local school board members to resign during a board meeting or face charges over class material for high schoolers he deemed "child pornography."
"It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom," Hudson Mayor Craig Shubert told the Hudson Board of Education during a meeting on Monday. "