Paxton is right. It should be up to each state.
"Paxton noted to guest host Carl Higbie that abortion law in the U.S. remains unsettled, particularly with regard to a state's rights to decide.
"Roe v. Wade was created out of nothing," Paxton said. "There was no precedent. There was no law. They claim it's constitutional, right, but they basically created this right that had never existed before, and they overrode all of our state laws, including Texas.
"And the reality is it should be local jurisdiction, local states making those decisions.
"And we can all have different opinions about that. You live in the state you want to live in and it should be elected representatives, not judges, making these calls."
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This guy is the lowest of the creepy crawlies!!!
"This is just rich. Governor Gavin Newsom has proven time and time again that he should not be leading California. Human waste lining the streets, trash everywhere, rodent infestations, wildfires due to mismanagement, and a massive homeless population, which only now is Newsom looking to fix. But Newsom doesn't blame himself, no, that would make sense. He blames conservative extremists for his recall."
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