Another reasion why they dont belong in Europe. This is a report from Sweden
Immigrant parents are behind most cases of serious breach of peace against children
Published June 1, 2023 at 10:22 a.m
DOMESTIC. Only four percent of reports of serious breach of peace against children in 2019 led to someone being convicted of the crime. This is despite the fact that the police and prosecutors often put great resources into investigating. This is evident from a report from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, which is presented today.
Brå has carried out the first follow-up of how the rules on gross breach of the peace against children (that is, exposure to repeated violence within the family) have been applied, since the crime was introduced in 1998.
The reports that Brå studied show that the provision is poorly adapted to children's conditions and perspective. This is mainly because the children must be able to describe what they have been through in a way that they are rarely able to do.
- The children in question have often been exposed to violence by their parents for several years, as part of their upbringing. They find it difficult to describe in detail individual events and when they took place. When the children can't do it, the investigation is usually closed, says Stina Holmberg, research and investigation council, Brå, in a press release.
A further difficulty is that a conviction seems to require, in principle, a witness who saw what happened and is prepared to testify about it. The child's story is usually not enough. The problem is that it is often difficult to get someone in the family to stand up and testify, out of loyalty or fear of the consequences. And it is rarely anyone outside the family who witnessed what happened.
A majority (about 70 percent) of the suspected parents were born outside Sweden in countries where child abuse is not prohibited.
This means that it is roughly five times more common for children who were born in another country or whose parents were born abroad to be plaintiffs in a report of repeated violence and threats in the family than children with a Swedish background.
Almost a third of the parents came to Sweden less than five years earlier. The countries from which most parents come are Syria, Iran and Iraq.
However, honor-related cases are less common and make up about 10 percent of cases. A large proportion of the suspects, both those born in Sweden and abroad, have psychological or social problems.
- This suggests that the over-representation of foreign-born parents among the suspects may be explained by the fact that they were not brought up with as strong norms against "parenting violence" as we have in Sweden, in combination with psychological and social pressures that confront them when they leave his homeland, says Stina Holmberg.
The "native" people of Europe will have to stand togather if we are to survive
Good or bad, what do people think
Clear sign for Uganda's LGBTQ law - could carry the death penalty
Published 5/30/2023
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has approved the country's new laws targeting LGBTQ people and organizations allegedly promoting such a lifestyle. The law means, among other things, that "participating in homosexual acts" can result in life imprisonment.
The law was hammered through parliament earlier this year and has been condemned by the West. In addition to the fact that "homosexual acts" can result in life imprisonment, it also stipulates that "promoting homosexuality" can result in 20 years. Homosexuals with HIV who have sex risk the death penalty.
READ ALSO: Ugandan President: Africa must save the world from homosexuality
Same-sex relationships were already illegal in Uganda, as well as in more than 30 African countries, but the new law further targets gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people.
- The Ugandan president has today legalized state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia, says Clare Byarugaba, a Ugandan rights activist.
- It is a very dark and sad day for the LGBTQ community, our allies and all of Uganda.
President Museveni has called homosexuality a "deviation from normal". Every year, the country receives billions of dollars in foreign aid and now it risks sanctions.
Museveni has called on lawmakers to resist "imperialist pressure" and Parliament Speaker Anita Among congratulated her colleagues on Monday.
"With great humility I thank my fellow MPs for resisting all pressure from bullies and doomsday conspiracy theorists in the interest of our country," she said in a statement.
In a way I understand this, there are not many "native" Swedes left in Sweden
African actors play native Swedes in new SVT venture
Published 5/31/2023
The first original Swedes are played by actors of African descent in Sweden's television's new venture "Historien om Sverige". It is noticed in social media.
The history of Sweden is described by the state media company as its "biggest historical investment ever". The ten-hour long so-called drama-documentary premieres this fall and is intended to depict Sweden's history from the Ice Age to the present day.
The TV series has the same name as and is reminiscent of Herman Lindqvist's popular science work in eleven parts, which deals with roughly the same time period.
Urswedes are played by Africans
Earlier this week, SVT showed a taster of the new series. It shows that the actors who play Sweden's original Swedes in "The History of Sweden" are dark-skinned Africans. It is something that arouses reactions in social media, where many wonder if the state television is spreading facts or propaganda.
The choice of actors alludes to a hypothesis that the first people to populate Scandinavia after the ice age were darker than today's Swedes, an idea that is particularly popular in left-wing academic circles.
Samnytt has applied for SVT's program director Eva Beckman and Herman Lindqvist.
SVT's marketing desk replies in an unsigned email to Samnytt that:
"SVT's design is based on the scientific world's consensus regarding what the first Swedes looked like."
It seems that this info came from UD and I am amazed and sick of Biden and Obama and their crap!!!!
"One such grantee was the University of Dayton for its PREVENTS-OH program, which DHS awarded $352,109 to "draw on the expertise of the University of Dayton faculty" to fight "domestic violence extremism and hate movements."