Don't wanna hear a *blip* from Biden about chinaflu! LOL!
TRUTH! Our government and big tech are the MONARCHS of dangerous and deadly misinformation! The truth will never get out with all the big tech censorship and continuos lies from Dr. Falsi and our own government! The time is here and we need to STAND!
'Ol Ron telling it like it is about Biden and the ChinaFlu! Him and the DEMONrats have created the biggest superspreader event since the whole thing started... right across our WIDE OPEN border!
#drmercola To ‘Delete All Content’ After 48 Hours As #biden Regime Ramps Up Attacks
#vaccines #covid #mrna ?
DeSantis Fires Back at Biden: Until Border is Secured, ‘I Don’t Want to Hear a Blip About COVID From You’