One of the issues that really gets my Billy Goat's gruff a-wagglin' big time. ?
Reparations Aren’t About Fixing America’s Past, They’re About Destroying Its Future
In 1865, a bloody Civil War left 620,000 white Americans dead. In the current monologuing on reparations, no one on the left seems bothered to mention this. (Even when 620,000 black babies are murdered by black mothers every two years, no one on the left notices.) Even forgetting the sacrifice of so many white lives, the historically unprecedented release from bondage and eventual ascension toward becoming co-equal partners – despite being a racial, cultural, and ethnic minority – seems profound and sufficient enough. You’re welcome, black America, you’re no longer enslaved and enjoy the same freedoms as whites in 21st century America.
Let’s not pretend no redress has been made already. We have had reparations in one form or another since the Confederacy’s surrender. Efforts to assimilate former slaves did not end merely at emancipation, nor even Reconstruction. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the back-to-back election of Barack Obama are two major examples of innumerable others that attest to the success of America overcoming its legacy of slavery. Has this ever happened before in world history?
Unfathomably, renewed efforts to “repair” the long-ago damages to the black community have resurfaced with hitherto unseen momentum. Black Americans who were never enslaved and white Americans who never enslaved them are suddenly the focal point of a country-ripping exercise in absurdity. A July 5th article at American Thinker outlined just a few questions worth pondering before delving into wealth theft for the benefit of a group of people either unwilling or uninterested in solving their own problems. The article asks:
“Who pays? Who gets what? Who decides? Does Obama pay or does he get money? Do recent African or Caribbean immigrants get money too or only people who can trace their lineage back to slavery or even Jim Crow? What about black families who owned slaves? Do the million or so black millionaires get money too? When are things as they should be? What’s the measure? Will every company or classroom or board have to reflect the pigment hue of the country as a whole? Will it apply to everything from police to janitors to ditch diggers to the NBA and the NFL? Will all of this change the unwed birth rate in black America? Is murder still to be considered a crime as half of the offenders in the US are black males despite the fact that they make up only 6% of the population? Since reparations will make everything even do we do away with welfare programs that disproportionately benefit minorities?”
Read the rest of the article below. Don't take their poison!