Leave it to some jacka$$ from California to want to back an idea ;ole this when many business' can't hire workers as it is!!!
"Representative Mark Takano (D-Calif.) recently introduced a bill into the House which would reduce the standard work week to 32 hours.
“The main problem we're trying to solve with it is the work-life balance,” Takano said. “I think that is what resonates with so many people, who during this pandemic experienced neighbors, family members, loved ones, dying. And they also experienced being able to work from home.”
Not only is she the biggest waste. She is easily one of the most evil people in Washington.
"This woman is the biggest waste in Washington…and I mean that in more ways than one.
Well, Nasty Nancy has compiled a list of people who she’s wanting to target and ruin their lives.
Among those most notable on the list are:
Greg Locke, who is a pastor.
Vernon Jones, the former Democrat Representative who turned Republican and is now running against Brian Kemp in Georgia.
Alex Jones, you all know him
Michael Flynn, the General who they will not stop attacking.
Owen Schroyer, who works for Alex Jones at Info Wars.
Jack Posobiec, who is a political activist often seen on Fox News.
Roger Stone, no description needed here.
Enrique Tarrio, who serves as Chairman of Proud Boys.
George Papadopoulos, a former member of President Trump’s Foreign Policy Advisory Panel.
There are still several more that she has on her little hit list.
Pelosi is wanting information on these individuals as well as those I didn’t even mention. She wants access to all of their communications to try and figure out what went on.
Keep in mind that the FBI has already investigated this and found that this wasn’t some organized plot like the Democrats like to make it out to be."
School Board elections are coming up in my area. This is where we start our battle against this Communist movement that has over taken our youth. Do not forget to research the canidates backgrounds and vote... this is f#*%ing important.
Find your Texas district and election dates here.
They will always rebuild the shit hole they come from
What this means is that the Left/islam ( in Sweden ) want to ban all goverment partys who they think do not surport what they want.
Criticism of the proposed ban on opinion
Published September 6, 2021 at 11.58
DOMESTIC. The proposal for a ban on "participation in racist organizations" is criticized by several authorities. Svenska Dagbladet reports .
All parliamentary parties except V, SD and L are behind the bill, which will make it a criminal offense with up to four years in prison to participate in organizations that the spouses label as "racist".
The Public Prosecutor's Office states in its response to the referral that it will be difficult to prove that an organization is engaged in "organized racism" and that the organization commits crimes based on this "racism". In addition, it can be difficult to prove at all that someone is a member of such an organization, according to the authority.
The Crime Prevention Council (Brå) and the Swedish Judges' Association reject the proposal to introduce the two new crimes, ie "organized racism" and "support for organized racism", writes SvD.
Brå considers that there is no support in the parliamentary committee's report for allegations that "racist persecution crime" has increased.
The Chancellor of Justice writes in his response to the consultation that the design of the new penal provisions can "lead to both evidentiary difficulties and application problems, which in the long run risks undermining the purpose and effectiveness of the legislation".
Police about multicultural Gothenburg ( Sweden ) "Our city has been torn apart"
6 september 2021
at 11.21
In an interview about the development in Gothenburg, police officer Ulf Boström states that the city with residents from 184 different countries has been torn apart "in different ways" and that he no longer recognizes himself.
Ulf Boström works as a so-called integration police and has worked in the city's problem areas for 16 years. Earlier this summer , Boström drew attention when he began to cry in connection with an interview about the progress of organized crime. This is because he believes that the authority has no chance against the gangs.
READ ALSO: Police cry out about gang crime: "You have no chance"
According to Boström, Gothenburg has inhabitants from 184 different countries and the city has now been torn apart "in different ways" because the immigrants bring culture from their homeland, which he also considers to be both enriching and fantastic for Sweden.
- Now we have lots of different types of socio-criminal complex crime that we try to name in different ways. Among all our immigrants come people with their religious beliefs, we have all five major world religions in Gothenburg and many more, says Boström and continues:
- People come with their political convictions from their home country, if there is a patriarchal culture then you have it, if there is a culture of honor you have it, traditions and so on. All this enriches Sweden and it is fantastic, but there are parts that are not compatible with Swedish law, says Boström.
Do not recognize Sweden
When it comes to gang crime that is spreading in the streets around the country, Boström emphasizes that it is a result of immigration. Boström proposes that the authority focus on neighborhood police in order to overcome the problem.
Shootings, stabbings, bombs, grenades, automatic rifles. That is not the Sweden I recognize, says Boström.
Boström also says that society looks this way today because the Swedish people have let it happen. This has been done by giving confidence to politicians who lack competence and knowledge. Watch the full interview video below:
This goes to show you that the Demoncrats have no morals, no practical use for the truth, no love of freedom and America!!!!!
"Andrew Cuomo is New York’s murder man. When He was governor of the state, he purposely sent COVID patients into nursing homes, which led to thousands of deaths. He tried to cover it up and was caught in the act.
Cuomo is also New York’s apex sexual predator. The volume of women that he hit on and abused is staggering. Those acts of violence against women were the catalyst to him losing his beloved award and losing his position of power.
And yet will all that criminal behavior, there are those Democrats that believe him to be a saint. Jay Jacobs leads the New York Democratic Party, and he is now on record claiming that Andrew Cuomo is still a “productive” and “positive” person in the liberal party."
Global warming on any serious level is more than just a lie...it's another way to tax us by instituting carbon taxes.
"You know the story: We only have about 10 years or less to do something about the global climate and the average temperature being a little higher.
If we don’t do something immediately then all the ice is going to melt at the north and south poles which will raise sea levels which will destroy the coasts of every country and continent. Well, that’s what they claim anyway. The science is suggesting otherwise.
Due to an increase in sea ice may lead to a much more devastating change in the Earth’s climate — another ice age.
How is it that if we’re experiencing global warming that we’re creating so much ice? Shouldn’t it be melting instead?"