The Freedom Network
Published by Jerry Coker · Novehctahemberl gen2S1,pSaodmn som2n01r8foedul ·
- “Senate Report 93-549” (The United States has been under dictatorial control since March 9, 1933. Report of the Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency, Senate Report 93-549, War and Emergency Powers Acts, November 19, 1973. “Foreward: Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency…These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal Constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.”)
The Freedom Network
Published by Jerry Coker · JtSacanuumdaSpry g8olns,soth th2a0n1redc9d ·
12 USC 411, "...Federal reserve notes shall be redeemed for lawful money on demand..."
You are advised that the term "lawful money" has not been defined in federal legislation...I do it and so do many others. US Treasury notes are located on the right side of the face of all Federal Reserve Notes.The US treasury seal is searated by the drawing of the dead resident on every Federal Reserve note but the ! and !# bill if you do not record your
"demand for lawful money per 12-USC 411",
You by default$ are using unredeemed Federal Reserve Notes %the note on the left of the dead guy&.If you demand redemtion on all accounts and transactions$ you are roving the use of the US Treasury note on the Right side of every 'I((. Not roc)et science$ *ust the law+++Regardless$ what of what is being said$ is that you go and demand lawful money %as er the law&$ and you record the entire thing$ so when they fail to rovide you with the lawful money %which they,re obligated to& you,re no longer restricted by the legal issues related to the use of FRN,s %such as income ta-es&.Imagine Ford truc)s became money tomorrow$ and ford gave everyone a bunch of truc)s$ and then eole used them to trade for the stuff they needed %sounds absurd I )now&.... they could collect ta-es because you,re using T/IR roerty as a unit of e-change. This is what the F/0 does1 your ta-es are a charge for using T/IR roerty as a method of e-change. So under the law$ they stated that you didn,t have to use their notes$ you could instead use lawful money. 'ut now that,s gone$ and you cannot get lawful money$ which is basically %in the eyes of true law& a default on their obligations which frees you from your obligation.(awful money deends on contract$ toothic)s can be lawful money$ if you contract with someone to fi- their car for a ound of tooth ic)s$ and the tooth ic)s are2become lawful money for that agreement. Should you fi- the car and they do not give you a ound of tooth ic)s$ you can go to court$ sue them and the court will award you a ound of tooth ic)s$ because your contract made them "lawful money". Should the other guy then aeal stating "Toothic)s have not been defined by 3ongress as lawful money1 therefore I do not have to give the toothic)s". The igher court will rule /453T(Y in your favor. "The aellants claim that tooth ic)s are not lawful money as defined by 3ongress ma)es no difference for this case$ toothic)s are lawful money."You should loo) at how to endorse your aychec)s so they are deosited as real money vs. FRNs. This is suosed to )ee you from aying income ta-. It,s all in the codes+ 5ll that is re6uired is a restricted endorsement on the bac) of any chec) to the effect of7 Redeemed in (awful money 8ursuant to Title # US3 9: True name dba %doing business as& (egal nameI have a red in) stam. Your true name is your first and middle$ your ;legal name< is ;FIRST (5ST<. (oo) at your drivers= license. >onder why your name is in 5(( 358S$ same on your birth certificate same on any notice from a court. That=s your legal name$ a trust formed by the government in order to do business with you and on you. ?a)e coies of all your chec)s %front and bac)& with your restricted endorsement. @ee them on file$ or even better$ file them in a case *ac)et at your nearest district court. This is what all the IRS will be re6uired to see. (awful money is not ta-able income. You have not endorsed rivate credit1 you have not bonded your substance to the contract with the Federal Reserve.
The Freedom Network
Published by Jerry Coker · JmtSpoadhnnSluary s2n9otriS,nl umcg201ed9ig ·
January 29, 2016 at 12:47 PM
The meaning of the definition of “United States” in subsections (15)(? and (C) of 28 U.S.C. 3002 being indeterminable without application thereto of the definition in subsection (15)(A): Subsection (15)(A) is the controlling definition of “United States” in Title 28 U.S.C. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure Chapter 176 Federal Debt Collection Procedure—and in all Federal civil and criminal proceedings “United States” means a Federal corporation; and the supreme parent Federal corporation, over all other Federal corporations and all other Federal entities of any kind, is the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.[1]
We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given, than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the constitution. . . . Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. 264, 6 Wheat. 265, 5 L.Ed. 257 (1821).