Anyone surprised
The vaccines are ineffective - five doses may be required for immunity
September 9, 2021
at 16.00
Two doses of covid vaccine are nowhere to be found. Not three or four either. Five syringes, experts now say, will all need to be taken to overcome the pandemic. At the same time, figures show that in some places a majority of those admitted to hospitals for severe covid are fully vaccinated and that the spread of infection is greatest in countries where the highest proportion of the population is vaccinated.
First, everyone would take a shot at covid. Then double vaccinations became standard to achieve full immunity. Now not only a third and a fourth but also a fifth dose of the vaccine is advocated and no one knows if it will stay there.
In Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has recently released a report that recommends that those who were previously considered fully vaccinated with two doses continuously continue to be vaccinated every nine months. According to the report, everyone over the age of 65 should be the first to do this, but in a second stage, younger people should also be included.
Instead of changing the definition of when you are considered fully vaccinated, you have chosen to call all syringes after the first two "booster doses". However, there is no difference between these injections and the first two.
Five doses or more
Matti Sällberg is a vaccine researcher at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and confirms in an interview with state television that it is not just a booster dose for the fully vaccinated, but that these can be more than the regular ones. Sällberg sees five doses ahead of him at the moment.
He believes that the first refill dose will be required shortly after the turn of the year. Whether it then stops at five refills depends on how the pandemic develops. If it continues, we can make a pilgrimage to the vaccination center once every nine months for the foreseeable future.
- Everyone knows that this will not disappear and that we will need a vaccine for a fairly long time to come, says Sällberg.
SVT's expert vaccine manufacturer
What could possibly put the brakes on the plans is the availability of vaccines. The World Health Organization (WHO) demands that the Western world, in solidarity with the third world, wait with booster doses until the peoples of the underdeveloped countries have received their first two injections. Quite reasonable, Matti Sällberg thinks.
Matti Sällberg, invited by SVT, also has his own interest in the Swedes continuing to be vaccinated. He is a partner in the company Svenska Vaccinfabriken, which produces vaccines. The extent to which this affects his position on the issue is not addressed in the interview.
Majority seriously ill fully vaccinated
The rapidly developed and provisionally approved vaccines available on the market have been the subject of criticism, especially with regard to side effects, both known and those that may only be discovered in the future.
Another criticism concerns their effectiveness, especially against the mutated variants of the corona virus that now dominate the spread of infection. Reports from, among others, Israel , which is the country that has come the furthest in vaccinating its population, indicate that the immune effect is weak.
Despite the fact that 80 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, the country experiences a higher spread of infection than almost all other countries. A majority of all those who are so severely affected by covid in the country that they have to be cared for in hospital are people who have received both the regular doses of the vaccine.