Big Tech Fails to Suppress Criticism of Fauci Puff Piece Documentary That Demonizes #infowars #arrestfauci
Big Tech Fails to Suppress Criticism of Fauci Puff Piece Documentary That Demonizes #infowars #arrestfauci
WOW ❗ When will so many of you or will you ever wake up and educate your self???.. The GLOBALIST'S have been running this country sense the US defaulted on its bills in the 30s and we were sold out.. The people and baby's to come were sold as what they figured each person could make them in tax's . Elections they have chosen who to be president then lied cheated and stole tax payers money .TAXS R ILEGAL !!! BUT WE THE PEOPLE HAVE ALLOWED THE GOVERNMENT TO LIE STEAL MURDER RUN DRUGS, SEX TRAFFIC, TRAFFIC CHILDREN DO WHAT EVER THEY WANT RUN WEAPONS START WARS AND FUND BOTH SIDES FOR WHAT EVER IT IS THEY WANT MINERALS<OIL<LAND, CONTROL.. They have owned all media out lets and have lied, manipulated the media so we would vote for who they chose to put in . If you pay attention many interviews are not where they say look at the back grounds times of day.. Just made movie back drops.. Many still think the military is different and going to save you really how could that be when their boss's are the globalist Government.. So many are refusing to look at facts only happy horse? they tell you to keeping you looking the other way and standing down doing nothing. They have been telling us what was coming big time sense Bush Sr and Kissinger Speech's on The NWO so many of you also would not look at with their twisted wording. Now they have all been removed just like the facts on the Masons, Rothchild's, Rockefeller's, Pacers, illuminati, All removed and replaced by conspiracy theorist BS all RE done by encyclopedia Britannia. They all now look like saints.. GO LOOK! It is and always has been up to we the people to stand up our constitutional right to take down this government take back the country fight for freedom...Now The US is broke again in default for the globalist printing money at will with no backing