D-List Celebrity Michael Rapaport Triggered After Being Featured on Banned.Video
D-List Celebrity Michael Rapaport Triggered After Being Featured on Banned.Video
Google needs to be BROKEN UP! They are a DANGEROUS MONOPOLY! Right along with facebook, twitter, amazon, and ALL the other big tech TOTALITARIANS!!! NOW, not only do they want to censor platforms, but THE ENTIRE INTERNET, which THEY CONTROL, by introducing technology to block any links THEY don't like from being shared ANYWHERE on the internet! How in the THOUGHT POLICE HELL can this be allowed to stand! The time is almost gone when we will be able to anymore, so STAND people. RISE!
If this stands true in Germany, then surely, UNDOUBTEDLY, it would have to ring true in the nation that is supposed to be the "Leader of the *FREE* World"... shouldn't it???
It's time Americans were told the truth: that the grant money sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is merely a footnote in this narrative.
FEAR MONGERING and BULLSHIT! Leaked MY ARSE! It was released to LOOK like a leak. Cases may be up, but not nearly the way their purposely fudged presentation of 'percentages" would make it SEEM, and actual DEATHS are WAAAAAAAAAY down. We aren't even NEAR the levels we were at when the mask mandates were initially dropped. It's SMOKE AND MIRRORS!
New Poll Shows Biden Approval In Full On Nose Dive