Leaked report reveals Moderna knows their Covid-19 injection has caused over 300,000 injuries and they have hidden them from health authorities
"I hate Donald Trump! I’m gonna say it! I don’t care what y’all think! Trump sucks! He is a sexual predator! He’s a literal moron!"
If your child knows your teachers political views that’s called indoctrinating, not teaching.
Went to fakebook earlier to catch up on family. this guy name trey bundy . post shit on 2o different posts , Had even talked shit about my 84 year old mother. and one post i has posted earlier about bidens bullshit about pulling out of affganistan , He said good glad he didn't have to worry about his nephews going over there any more. word for word i put " your pathetic innocent women and children are getting killed and all your worried about is your families ass". and they banned me for 30 more days for bullying . Aint that some shit.
Buchanan Marsh
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