How long does the pain last
This is the question I asked
Will it ever come to past
Wish it would move little fast
How long must I fight depression
Will I ever have a profession
Can my mind just freshen
It's just a question
How long will I be alone
When will I be out of the zone
And have someone of my own
Will this ever be known
How long must I be sad
And feel so bad
Just want to be glad
Have someone in my life I can add
How long will I be broke
Feels like I'm living a joke
Not having makes me choke
It's enough to give me a stroke
How long must I be like this
Feels like I've fallen in the abyss
I just need a kiss
And be the one someone will miss
How long is what I ask
Must I hide behind the mask
Just need it bask
It's not a easy task
Silas Jackson
August 22 2021
We already knew they would try to cheat!
The Strange Story of America’s Very First UFO Sightings
It's all one big circle jerk, and they are filling their pockets with YOUR money!
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