Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “#NewWorldOrder”
Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “#NewWorldOrder”
Good morning again... I'm on a bitch rant... I do not care for foot ball. I played it a few times coming up thru highschool and a foolish game or two of tackle and flag in my early adult life, til I got tackled one day by a guy who was pissed because he got tackled and lost a play... Problematically, he was an ex-con and had a thing for me ex that I wasn't aware of at the time and anyhow. in a tackle the asshole near intentionally broke me neck.. I was out for about five weeks over that tackle.. but, as friends would have it, before the man got off of the field and went back home that day, he left with two broken ankles.. so, he lost a whole bunch by making that dumbass decision to take me out.. My point I guess, when the good LORD has your back, you don't need anyone else, and the devil, well, he's watching too.
I think football is a waste of taxpayer money in the colleges, in the highschools and in the professional arena... Paying these people to PLAY with a BALL, spend good hard earned money to watch, and pay taxes to indluge as well, just screwed up..
Good morning YubNub family n friends... Top of the day to ya. Hope ya'll have a fine fine day. Me I'm trying to sort out the dendrites in my head that keep arguing whether I should stay[on earth]or jump this damn ship and move on to the next post or what? I don't consider meself to be an ignorant man, but of late, boy, been thinking some things One probably better off not ever considering, given the ramifications of the one way of it all. Anyway... be blessed if ya can.. i'm in me closet here. contemplating..
If you need encouraging about our country and want to know how to better pay for it, doing these Dutch Sheets devotionals daily is excellent. You can either read them or watch the video at the bottom.
Nearly two millennia before Jules Verne and H. G. Wells started writing about science fiction, Lucian of Samosata, a Syrian satirist, and rhetorician, introduced the world to science fiction, envisioning a future where humankind would find alien life, take place in interplanetary warfare, and come to know artificial life among other things.
Cindy Ware
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