Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data! Corporate & Government Attack on Constitutional Rights
Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data! Corporate & Government Attack on Constitutional Rights
These are Major Issues that still threaten, disrupt and complicate our lives. Things that Everybody Should Know.
33,292 views Aug 16, 2023
Naomi Brockwell TV
Financial privacy is essential for a free society, because it allows us to support causes we believe in without fear of retribution, to flee dangerous situations without being tracked, to live our daily lives without feeling like every choice we make is on display and needs to be self-censored. How can we have a truly free society if the way we interact with the world around us is constantly monitored and controlled?
But that's exactly what's going on right now. In this presentation I explain how surveillance of the traditional financial system works, and what solutions there are for reclaiming your right to financial privacy.
00:00 Financial Privacy Is Crucial for a Free Society 2:22 Traditional Financial System is Controlled, Censored, and Monitored 3:29 Talk Overview 5:38 Everyone Is Selling Your Financial Data 6:42 People Are Persecuted Because Their Payments Are Monitored 8:42 History of Financial Surveillance 13:02 3rd-Party Doctrine 14:07 Cash 17:59 Bitcoin 18:40 Cryptocurrencies are NOT private! 19:53 Tip #1: Use Privacy Coins 26:20 Tip #2: No Pass-Through Privacy 29:11 Tip #3: Break Up Patterns 33:57 Tip #4: Protect Against OSINT Privacy Leaks 39:23 Tip #5: Beware of Active Analysis Tricks 44:55 Alternative Financial Systems ARE The Answer 47:03 Audience Q&A
Traditional privacy tools like cash continue to dwindle in relevance, but cryptocurrencies like privacy coins present themselves as torchbearers of financial privacy in this new digital era. But the level of privacy you get is contingent upon the choices you make --
it's not enough to use things like privacy coins, you have to know how to use them properly. Special Thanks to Zcon for inviting me to speak!
Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Reuben Yap, Cube Boy, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell
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Our eBook "Beginner's Introduction To Privacy: https://amzn.to/3WDSfku
Beware of scammers, I will never give you a phone number or reach out to you with investment advice. I do not give investment advice. Visit the NBTV website: https://nbtv.media
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