Government Minister Suggests New Lockdown Before the Current One Has Even Ended
Government Minister Suggests New Lockdown Before the Current One Has Even Ended
#alexjonesshow LIVE - Covid 2: The Sequel Is Here! Prepare For Biden To Impose 2nd Lockdown & Attempt 2nd Forced Injections!
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Sadiq Khan Says New Statue of Activist Who Beheaded White Colonizers in Front of Their Children Reflects London’s “Achievements and Diversity”
Senator Hawley: Big Tech “Acting Like Arms Of The Government”; “It’s Scary Stuff”
Video: Young Americans Dumbfounded As To Why Oppressed Cubans Are Waving U.S. Flags
Video: Only Store Not Looted in South African Shopping Mall is the Book Shop
#americanjournal LIVE: Massive #electionfraud Proves Biden Not President, But Can We Restore The Republic?
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‘Racist’ Defacing of Rashford Mural Turns Out to Have No Racial Connotations Whatsoever
Video: White House Finally Admits Cubans Rising Up Against ‘Failed Communism’
Really like the new look . Not a big fan of the ad banner but I understand its economic reasoning ... What does have me concerned is the Facebook tracker that being blocked by my filters Everytime I log in ( reason why I don't use the Facebook app ,opting for the web access via Friendly) may be sticking to the old sight for the time being.