From the Nixon Shock to Biden-flation
From the Nixon Shock to Biden-flation
Biden’s Negligence Deserts Americans – Watch
Maybe if Antifa gets some of their own medicine, they'll think twice about who they attack.
"Proud Boys Flip Van Used to Transport Antifa Militants Attacking Patriot Rally in Portland"
The #americanjournal LIVE: FDA Grants Full Approval to Pfizer Shot!
? Medical tyrants push mRNA jab previously available under an Emergency Use Authorization:
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Enjoy the 10000 or so terrorests , sorry "refugees" Biden is bringing in
No Afghans to Russia - do not want to risk terrorists
August 23, 2021
This weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he will not allow the reception of any Afghans as they do not want to risk bringing "militants" into the country pretending to be asylum seekers.
Putin condemned the West for placing Afghan asylum seekers in countries near the border with Russia while their US and European visas are being processed.
"Does that mean they can be sent to those countries without visas, to our neighbors, while they themselves do not want to receive them without visas," Putin told the TASS news agency.
He also clarified that he will not allow "militants who show up here under the guise of being refugees".
READ ALSO: Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz promises not to let Afghans in
The United States has negotiated with several countries to accept the reception of Afghans at least temporarily after the Taliban took over.
A fear that terrorists, as during the migrant crisis in 2015, may have infiltrated groups of Afghan asylum seekers also comes from US and French intelligence services.
Possible IS terrorists are also said to have been the reason why the gates to the airport in Kabul were closed on Saturday and the flights stopped running.