( I have seen things like this, and its the illness of the parents )
Doctors who questioned "apathetic children" are suing SVT
Published 2023-12-18
Swedish television is on trial for gross slander against the doctor Thomas Jackson. The background is publications where Thomas Jackson has been singled out as, among other things, a "right-wing extremist" since he questioned the media reporting on unaccompanied refugee children.
- They only had one agenda: To expose me as a right-wing extremist, he tells Samnytt.
It is Svenska dagbladet that on April 19, 2004 writes an article about children of asylum-seeking migrants who are said to be unwell. In the articles, it is claimed that around 150 refugee children in Sweden "lost the will to live" and "passed out and turned away from the world". In some more extreme cases, the children are tube-fed and some have even fallen into a coma.
"The spark of life has gone out" and "Swedish healthcare is overwhelmed by this new phenomenon", the article reads. The blame is placed on the Swedish migration system. The children are unwell because of the trauma from the home country and because their families have not yet been granted residence permits, it is claimed.
Media hysteria
In the following days, Svenska dagbladet publishes more articles on the same theme. At the beginning, the newspaper is the only one to write about the phenomenon, but towards the end of the summer it is also noticed by Dagens nyheter and Expressen.
Exposed to media pressure, the Migration Board decides to give priority to asylum-seeking families with so-called apathetic children, the healthcare system gives them their own diagnosis, , and in the autumn the social democratic government appoints an investigation with the task of mapping and "meeting children in the risk zone and, through preventive measures, preventing children from developing severe stress reactions".symptoms of giving up
The following year, the attention around the apathetic children explodes. They are rewritten in hundreds of newspaper articles and included in dozens of television and radio features. Those who watch the state media's reports see pictures of children and young people lying uncontactable in beds in various refugee facilities. At the same time, the number of known cases is multiplying.
But not everyone is drawn into the media hysteria.
"Advanced Child Torture"
One of several who are skeptical is the psychiatrist Thomas Jackson. In 2005, he lives and works in Great Britain, and is therefore initially unaware of the media storm at home in Sweden.
- In the fall of 2005, I was at home on vacation. Then I saw these kids on TV. I didn't understand at all what it was about, he tells Samnytt.
Jackson talks to several colleagues in the industry, and suspects that it is about something else. About children who are not sick, but are abused by their families.
- It is advanced child torture, he summarizes for Samnytt.
Among other things, he writes an article in Dagens medicin in January 2006 with the title "New diagnosis is required to understand apathetic refugee children".
"Maling by proxy"
Thomas Jackson believes that the circumscribed children are exposed to something called malingering by proxy.
Many people are familiar with Münchausen by proxy, where an adult harms his own child in order to gain the attention of those around him and thus psychological satisfaction. In those cases, the adult suffers from a mental disorder.
In the case of malingering by proxy, the child is harmed in a similar way, but the adult is not acting out of a mental disorder. Instead, he is driven by other motives, for example financial with hopes of grants or other compensation if the surrounding society confirms the child's alleged illness. They can also hope for asylum or a residence permit if the healthcare system thinks their child is ill.
News from Sweden
Åkesson in new Arab video: Islamism the evil of our time
Published 2023-12-18
When the Sweden Democrats released a video in early November in which party leader Jimmie Åkesson spoke Arabic with the help of AI, it received a lot of attention. On Monday, another video was released with an Arabic-speaking SD leader.
Also in the new video, Jimmie Åkesson turns to Arabic speakers in order to be able to speak directly to them without distorting filters that the media and others like to put in when it concerns the Sweden Democrats.
READ ALSO: Here is Jimmie Åkesson's campaign speech - in Arabic
The SD leader addresses Sweden's constitution, which stipulates, among other things, freedom of expression and gives every individual the right to say what he thinks and thinks. He also mentions the freedom of religion which, in addition to giving the right to believe in what one wants, also gives the right to avoid religion that intrudes - something that many people in the world, and now Sweden too, find it difficult to accept, notes Åkesson.
- If you can't accept that, then I don't think Sweden is the right country to live in. Then you have to go home to where you came from. Because Sweden will remain a free and democratic country.
The evil of our time
Furthermore, Åkesson says that he thinks it is right to be able to close down mosques where people engage in political and religious extremism, something that has been done in several other comparable countries without problems.
He also makes it clear that he distinguishes between Muslims and Islamists. The latter group, he believes, is the evil of our time that wants to abolish our democracy and freedom of expression and wants to impose their religion on others.
- Its supporters and fellow runners have no business in Sweden, says Åkesson.