"The NBA is now actively trying to "educate" incoming rookie players in how they can promote woke social justice causes.
Yet the NBA continues to have a relationship with genocidal communist China."
Anybody else besides me remember when sports was just good fun entertainment for everyone? ?
As President Trump correctly stated, "everything woke turns to shit". ??
? YouTube Removes Viral Interview Because Of #alexjones Appearance – Watch It Here!
? Live: Biden Speaks Following Terror Attack On U.S. Service Members & Afghan Citizens
#afghanistan #sleepyjoe
In those days GIANTS were HYBRID HUMANS that thrived and lived wicked lives. Created by the mating of human women with fallen rebel angels. God sent a great flood to destroy all life that were wicked & perverted by these fallen angels. But God saved Noah and his 3 sons and his wife and his sons wives from death. And animals, a male and female of each kind. To reprocreate and populate the earth with a clean DNA of life line.
The Prince of darkness Satan and his minion fallen angels planned and plotted then and even today thru out every human generation. Even from Adam & Eves day evil has planned and acted to pervert humanity.