Pete Buttigieg Should Not Be Taking Two Months off during a Supply-Chain Crisis
Pete Buttigieg Should Not Be Taking Two Months off during a Supply-Chain Crisis
WATCH: Mark Levin Blisters Nancy Pelosi and DOJ Over Jan. 6 'Coup'
QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING! White House Press Secretary Says Biden Inflation Is a “Good Thing” because “People are Buying Things”
Biden White House Will Pay for Playing Inflation Games
So, We're Just Going to Ignore a Bunch of Green Warriors Who Tried to Storm the Department of the Interior?
Special K's momma must have never told him about KARMA!!!! NO! I did not say KAMALA! Although I am betting his daddy told him about women like her. Special K found out just how decietful, ugly and downright evil his new buddies The Demoncrats really are!!!!!!!
"Adam Kinzinger Lashes Out After Democrats Redraw His House District, Likely Ending His Congressional Career
"Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on Friday condemned the process that led to the redistricting of his House seat ahead of the next election, calling it “anything but transparent.”
“I have proudly served six terms in the U.S. House and it has been an honor to do so,” Kinzinger said. “Following the release of the new congressional maps for Illinois, my team and I will spend some time looking them over and reviewing all of the options, including those outside the House. This redistricting process has been anything but transparent, which comes as no surprise to anyone. I believe the people of Illinois deserve better.”