This is a report from the Swedish police, there are many where they beg for help, ask for the army to be called in, state they can no longer protect the people but the "socialist government" says no, there is no reason, everything is good. People of the USA this is want they want for you, all is lost for Sweden but I still have hope for the US. No go areas are called vulnerable areas.
Police about the gangs: "If I were to stop a Swede for the same crime, he would be fined"
Published July 20, 2021 at 2:40 p.m.
DOMESTIC. When police officer Andreas Danman was murdered in Gothenburg, the authority already knew that the gangs were dangerous, also for police officers. In practice, the police already participate with criminal immigrants and again they avoid prosecution for things that Swedes are punished for, a police officer states in a longer interview with journalist Katerina Janouch.
In the interview, the police officer, who is said to work in vulnerable areas, speaks anonymously.
He describes a spiral of violence that politicians cannot stop, where immigrants for all these years with grants have managed to build parallel societies with a gigantic capital of violence.
- They feed the criminals with grants, let them build their parallel societies. Then they are not given any punishment, the police state in the interview.
According to the police officer, the authority is already at a disadvantage and the gang criminals have carte blanche to commit crimes.
- We do not really do our job… we let them go. For example, they commit a lot of traffic offenses, we do a quick check but we ignore taking them, the police say in the interview and state that the gang members in practice live in a lawless existence.
According to the interviewed police, the police authority has introduced routines where police must call a preliminary investigation leader and ask for a decision, and then the authority applies a "preliminary investigation restriction" which means that gang criminals get carte blanche to commit the same crime over and over again.
- If I were to stop a Swede who committed the same traffic offense, he would receive his fine. But not the gang criminals. It triggers the violence and it is not worth it, says the policeman.
Out of interest I followed Alex Jones for a wile, he does sometimes make good points but most of the time it just seems to be hot air. One thing he seems to do a lot is make statements about something evil and bad happening, then implies that unless you listen to him and do his will its your fault the evil is happening. Seems to be to be control by guilt, very much like the system the left/islam use. Any one else feel this way ?
Every Demoncrat elected to office says this and it's always a lie...remember Obie!!!!
“We’re now releasing more data than had been released before publicly, so people know the nursing home deaths and the hospital deaths are consistent with what’s being displayed by the CDC,” Hochul said Wednesday on MSNBC. “There’s a lot of things that weren’t happening and I’m going to make them happen. Transparency will be the hallmark of my administration.”
HAHAHA!!! Stupidity is catching, She is starting to bumble and fumble like old Joe!!!! (of course we all know she had a head start on it to begin with!!)
“I mean the president has, I think, shown great emotion in expressing, uh, sadness about some of the images we have seen, but we cannot be, um, in any way, um, distracted in any way from what must be our primary mission right now, which is evacuating people from that region who, who deserve to be evacuated,” Harris said."
Yer late night ooOOOoooh! ?
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