The most important video u will ever watch guaranteed !!
Your greatest life acheivment will be to return to heaven from wence you came before u were physically created & born in your mothers womb.
The many faces of #alexjones all on one shirt!
⚡️This will be a limited run! One time only- get them while you can:
#infowars #censorship #1a #freedom
First my condolences to the armed service members that died to day in afgan. to the many civilians that were murdered so a few guys with tubins on there head can feel macho . they said they were suicide bombers .. no no they are F-KN cowards . because coward do shit behind your back because they don't want to get caught. all i have to say is hey dumbass we already know who did it. joe biden is a coward .. We need President Trump back in now.
#vaccinepassport Digital Ponzi Scheme to #lockdown Humanity Exposed!