4,600 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
4,600 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’
Alberta Chief Health Officer: “We’re Counting Sick People Who Decline Covid Tests as Covid-Positive”
‘Suddenly I Cannot Train, I Cannot Play’: Tennis Pro, 34, Ends Season After #covidvaccine Left Him With ‘Violent Pain’
GOP Prosecutor Threatens Felony Arrest Against Truckers Protesting #vaccinemandates
Untill the day I come to you
I'm going to support all you do
Be here when in need
This i guaranteed
Untill I get my wish
I'm gonna swish
We won't always be apart
But you will always be in my heart
Untill the day my prayers come true
You gonna be the one I pursue
No matter what I go through
One day it will be just us two
Untill I'm able to hold your hand
By your side I'll stand
My love is at your demand
Soon our love will expand
Untill I find a way
I'm gonna pray
For that day
To be yours to obey
Untill the day you become mine
To you my heart I assign
Then our love will combine
And everything will be fine
Untill the day I die
I want to be the guy
You hold when you cry
To you I'll never lie
Silas Jackson
September 26 2021