The Democrats Hilariously Fall Apart During The DNC Meeting
It’s still obviously very early in the process, but I think I may have identified the candidate that Democrats are going to run in the next presidential election. This isn’t a definite prediction. Everything’s subject to change at this point. But after what happened at the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, any reasonable person would agree that I’m onto something here.
For background, on Saturday, Democrats met to select a new chair for the DNC, along with a slew of other roles, including vice-chair. And one candidate for the job — her name is “Doctor Quintessa Hathaway” — stole the show. On her website, Doctor Quintessa describes herself as a “thought leader,” in addition to being a “scholar,” a “historian,” and an “entrepreneur.” She’s like a mini-Socrates, Stephen Ambrose, and Elon Musk rolled into one. Plus she’s a doctor on top of that.
Granted, Doctor Quintessa is a doctor in the sense that Jill Biden is a doctor, which means she’s a doctor in the sense that she’s not a doctor. She has some kind of education degree. But she’s not letting that slow her down. Her biography states that her goal in life is to, “continue to beat the drum of change.” And as she made her case at the DNC on Saturday, the good doctor did exactly that.
Here for example is how Doctor Quintessa began her opening statements at the DNC. To be clear, this is not some kind of sketch comedy show. This was broadcast on MSNBC, to literally dozens of viewers who were eagerly looking forward to seeing how their party was going to move forward after their massive loss in the last election. Watch:
Try to imagine what it must have been like, watching that performance as a committed true believer in the Democrat Party. You’re in some ballroom in Maryland. You’re hoping to see some kind of new approach to win over voters, who are clearly moving away from liberal politics. Meanwhile the candidates to lead your party are treating the whole thing like karaoke night. And by the way, Dr. Quintessa didn’t stop there. She kept on singing. She wouldn’t stop singing. Here she is again:
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to encounter a character in a musical, but in real life, well now you know. And it’s just as annoying and off putting as you’d expect.
In the end, I’m shocked to report, Doctor Quintessa — the esteemed scholar, historian and entrepreneur — did not receive a single vote at the DNC. Out of hundreds of voting members, not a single one decided that Doctor Quintessa should be the next chair of the party. There is apparently zero grassroots, genuine support for her candidacy, whatsoever. She couldn’t even get a friend to vote for her. She had precisely zero support.
And you know what that means. It means that Quintessa is a shoo-in to be Democrats’ next presidential nominee. After all, if Kamala Harris can do it, so can Quintessa. In today’s Democrat Party, the fact that no one actually wants to vote for her — despite the fact that she’s a strong, independent black woman — is far from a liability. It’s an asset. So you might as well start printing the Doctor Quintessa Hathaway yard signs now. She’s basically a lock to break the glass ceiling in four years.
WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show
At the same time, as history-making and inspiring as Doctor Quintessa is, she was just a small part of the show that the DNC put on this weekend. One by one, Democrats made it very clear that they have learned absolutely nothing from the last election. Every speaker — without exception — was clearly obsessed with identity politics, and in particular racial grievances. Here for example are a couple of speakers who repeatedly told the crowd to be quiet, because a black woman was speaking. Watch:
I might try a version of this at my next speech. “Hey everyone, shut up. There’s a white man speaking up here. How dare you speak while a white man is addressing you? Silence, you fools. I am a white man.” That would probably go over a little differently than it did at the DNC, I’m guessing. But Democrats have marinated in racial politics for so long — in every aspect of their lives — that they don’t see any problem with this.
If you go and pull up footage of the DNC’s internal selection process back in 2017, after Trump’s first election, you’ll immediately notice that it was nothing like this. CNN covered the whole thing. It was a primetime event. They were talking about their plans to impeach and investigate Trump, and form a resistance. They talked about how motivated they were to come up with a coherent message for Americans. Watch:
It was still deranged, but it was nothing like what we’re seeing now. We’re now seeing a party that has no idea how to be effective. A party in total disarray, with no vision for the future whatsoever. So instead of coming up with anything unifying or coherent, they’re going completely off the deep end. In fact, they’re now reciting land acknowledgements, because of course they believe America sits on stolen land. That’s their winning message for the next election. Here’s how the DNC’s voting meeting began this weekend:
DNC Chair vote today began with a "land acknowledgment" about how the USA is indigenous, stolen land pic.twitter.com/0voM9qoaNC
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 2, 2025
Of course, as always with this kind of thing, I must ask: which indigenous people did we allegedly steal the land from? The ones who most recently possessed it before white people showed up? Or the ones that those indigenous people slaughtered and took it from? Or the ones that those people slaughtered? We never do get an answer to that question. All we are told is that the line of legitimate possession of the land stopped, for some reason, in about the 16th century. The moment white people showed up, it was no longer legitimate to conquer the land and take possession of it. It was only legitimate to do that for the hundreds and hundreds of years that Indians were doing it before Europeans landed. That’s the idea.
The whole thing was a parade of absurdity that went on for hours. Like this moment, where the proceedings eventually came to an abrupt halt because one candidate identified as “non-binary.” And that created some confusion because the DNC apparently has strict rules requiring “gender balance” among the party chairs who are elected. Watch:
Watching that, you have to wonder what they’d do at the DNC if they ended up with a candidate who belongs to one of the other 10 million genders out there. If one “nonbinary candidate” can throw the whole process out of whack like this, imagine what’d they do if they had a two-spirit running for office, along with a bi-gender candidate. And then what if there’s a gender-fluid demi-queer thrown into the mix? What do you do then? To avoid being transphobic, they’d probably just have to shut down the whole party down at that point.
By the way, just for the record, this is the allegedly “non-binary” candidate they’re talking about here. He’s running for vice chair. Watch:
Looking at that guy, there are a lot of signs that point towards a specific binary. There’s the facial hair. There’s the voice. There’s the build. But then he opens his mouth, and dispels all of those assumptions. He tells us that he’s one of the first “non-binary” candidates in the DNC’s history. You might ask what it means for someone to “be” non-binary. What does it take to claim that identity? Well, all it takes is for you to say it out loud. If someone is non-binary, it means that they have said out loud the words “I’m non-binary.” And through that mystical incantation, they have become something other than male or female. Even though they cannot explain how exactly they are something other than male or female, or what it means to be something other than male or female. It’s all nonsense, obviously. And at some level, Democrats seem to realize that. That would explain why this guy, like the doctor, did not receive any votes.
Things went on like this for a while longer at the meeting. Take a look at this footage, for example, showing every single candidate for DNC chair. Each one of them is asked the same question. Watch:
When the moderator says “you all passed,” he’s making a more revealing statement than he probably realizes. The question was a test. Specifically, it was a test of loyalty. He’s trying to determine who’s willing to affirm party orthodoxy, even in the face of clear evidence that party orthodoxy is wrong.
The vast majority of Americans understand that Kamala lost because she was a terrible candidate who played a key role in a terrible administration. That’s why she lost the popular vote, as well as the election. But in the Democrat Party of 2025, you’re not allowed to criticize the party establishment, which Kamala Harris represented. And you’re certainly not allowed to criticize a black woman, for any reason. So this is what you’re left with.
That’s why the ultimate results of this DNC meeting were not surprising in the slightest. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out.” And that is why, in the end, David Hogg — the man who built a lucrative career on the bodies of his dead classmates — was elected Vice Chair of the DNC. Yes, David Hogg is now a major figure in the Democrat Party. Here’s that big announcement, which of course, is prefaced by a guy quoting the sage words of Beyonce:
There’s an old adage about never interrupting your enemy when he’s making a mistake. And in this case, the enemies of civilization are clearly making a massive and completely unforced error. So really I probably shouldn’t comment here. But in this case, I can’t resist, because even David Hogg himself has explained to Democrats why this is a terrible idea. Let’s put this on the screen:
Screenshot: Twitter/X/@davidhogg111.
That about sums it up. And there’s a reason that Hogg wrote that. He’s on record making some of the dumbest and most politically damaging statements imaginable. Here’s just a small collection of them:
Screenshot: Twitter/X/@davidhogg111.
As you can see, David Hogg has written, “Abolish ICE,” “defund the police,” and “the NRA needs to be designated a terrorist organization.” He also predicted Joe Biden would win the last election, pretty confidently. These are ideas that Kamala Harris tried to run away from, and it still didn’t work. Now Democrats are embracing all of this.
And things get even worse when you look at the man who won the office of DNC chair. This is the guy that David Hogg will be advising as vice-chair. It’s a guy named Ken Martin, who currently leads Democrats in Minnesota. And if you don’t know anything about Ken Martin, here’s how he answered one very important question during this leadership contest. This is just about the simplest question he possibly could’ve been asked, and he managed to give the wrong answer. Watch:
A lot of polls — including Democrats’ own internal polls — showed that this kind of thing is what cost the Democrats the last election. And the DNC chair just doubled down on it. Instead of saying, no, we shouldn’t fund sex changes for illegal aliens, he gave pretty much the same response Kamala Harris gave. He has embraced what is perhaps the single least popular position in political history. Funding sex changes for illegal aliens is the kind of thing seemingly designed to tick off nearly every group and demographic in the country, save for the demographic of pink-haired people with septum piercings.
Meanwhile, his vice chair admits that the party is committing political suicide just by associating with him. And in the background, there’s a chorus of non-binary men and angry “BIPOC” screaming about racism. That is the state of the Democrat Party in 2025.
The point here is not just to make fun of Democrats, although that’s a big part of it. The real point is that the DNC clearly has not learned a single thing from their recent humiliating defeats. The Democrat Party is a bicycle with only one gear. This is it. Identity politics is too deeply embedded in the core of the institution. It’s all they know how to do.
And that means that one of two outcomes is possible. Either the Democrats are headed towards a generation of irrelevance, or they will — somehow — successfully pull the culture back into the fog of wokeness that we only recently seem to be emerging from. Watching what happened at the DNC this weekend, the latter option admittedly doesn’t seem very likely at this point. But as long as these people are still running a major party in the United States, we have to consider that possibility, as remote as it may be. That’s why — after laughing at these people, and sharing as many of these clips as possible because they’re objectively hilarious — we need to do everything we can to make sure that they never hold power again.